Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Whist Aftermath

Graham and I ran our first fundraising event - a Whist Tournament for WellChild - on Sunday at a pretty cool wee pub where Bob Dylan once played up near Goodge St in London.

Lonely Planet and Simon Amstell (the comic) kindly donated some prizes for our raffle and we taught a room full of people how to play Whist then got thoroughly thrashed by most of them! The picture is the very serious final round.

I also learnt that drinking beer after a 90 minute run makes me feel very tired - not sure if I'll manage a celebratory drink after the marathon!

We also raised £150 plus some spare change for WellChild so over 10% towards the big fundraising goal. If you couldn't make it, you can still donate - there's a quick link just on your left.

Taking cupcakes to work tomorrow to promote the cause....

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Marathon prep

Went to London Marathon's 'Meet the Experts' seminar on Sunday. Scariest thing I took away from it? Before the marathon, I'll have to do a 3.5 hour run. Ummmm. That in itself sounds like a very long way!

Suffice to say after a week where I struggled to get out of bed let alone run, I went for an hour run as soon as I got home. Still raining and freezing and dark out there.